Karen "Sunshine" Wielinski

Fish Fry

A recent column in the Buffalo News by Sean Kirst explored the iconic fish fry heritage we have here in the Buffalo area.  So, it seems like a good time to dust off a piece I wrote back in 2014.  This piece has a special place in my heart, as parts of it were published in the Buffalo News' "My View" column.  It was my first official publication in that column, and I can still recall what a...

True Girth

Last night on Facebook, a friend posted a hilarious video of an English woman putting on Spanx.  Many women can associate with that experience.  Recently, I wrote a story that fits this category.  Hopefully, some of you can share your "horror" stories too. True Girth By: Karen Wielinski Throughout the ages, women have felt the need to wear undergarments of torture to enhance their appearance....


Hope everyone is staying cool during these lazy, hazy days of summer. I have long been a member of a writing group here in East Aurora.  Our moderator, Rick Ohler, organizes a field trip every May to explore mainly agricultural Wyoming County, which is basically in East Aurora's background.  This year's excursion inspired me to think about what motivates people to create.  Let me know what your...

About Me

Karen Weilinski is a freelance writer who has lived in East Aurora, New York since 2010. Along with the love of her daughters and grandchildren, her involvement in a local writing group continues to be a source of inspiration and strength to her.